The State of Mendix Developer Community 2023

In March of 2023, we released our first-ever Mendix Developer Community survey. Thanks to all the respondents who opted to complete the survey, we were able to get a closer look at the thoughts, experiences, and backgrounds of the Mendix developers in our community. 
Download to see:
  • What types of organizational teams are trending
  • How often respondents actually use low-code
  • What roles do respondents play in low-code initiatives


In March of 2023, we released our first-ever Mendix Developer Community survey. Thanks to all the respondents who opted to complete the survey, we were able to get a closer look at the thoughts, experiences, and backgrounds of the Mendix developers in our community. 
Download to see:
  • What types of organizational teams are trending
  • How often respondents actually use low-code
  • What roles do respondents play in low-code initiatives

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