
Trending Questions about Generative AI

You probably have a lot of questions about Generative AI. Who doesn’t?

But a quick search brings up dozens, hundreds of new stories every day. How do you know what’s important and where to take your enterprise? Listen to the experts.

In Trending Questions about Generative AI, Gartner® pulls together research to answer the biggest questions around:

  • Governance
  • Use cases
  • Aligning Generative AI initiatives to business goals
  • Government regulations
  • Technology
  • Impact on the organization, and more!


You probably have a lot of questions about Generative AI. Who doesn’t?

But a quick search brings up dozens, hundreds of new stories every day. How do you know what’s important and where to take your enterprise? Listen to the experts.

In Trending Questions about Generative AI, Gartner® pulls together research to answer the biggest questions around:

  • Governance
  • Use cases
  • Aligning Generative AI initiatives to business goals
  • Government regulations
  • Technology
  • Impact on the organization, and more!

Gartner, Trending Questions About Generative AI, By Ben Yan, Frances Karamouzis, Bern Elliot, Pieter den Hamer, Arun Chandrasekaran, Justin Tung, Jeremy D’Hoinne, 20 March 2024.

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