Press Release

Mendix Launches Global ‘Low-Code for Good’ Hackathon to Deliver Transformative Solutions for Nonprofits

Power of low-code leveraged to make the world a better place

  • The biggest low-code hackathon in the world, ‘MxHacks 2022’ will be held on September 23– 24 at four locations and remotely
  • Teams from all around the world will build solutions that advance good causes

BOSTON – June 30, 2022 –  Mendix, a Siemens business and global leader in modern enterprise application development, announced that it will host its first-ever global hackathon, ‘MxHacks 2022, Low-Code for Good,’ to build solutions designed to improve lives, safeguard the environment, conquer disease, fight for justice, or advance other good causes. Slated to be the biggest low-code hackathon in the world, MxHacks 2022 will take place in four locations on three continents: Boston, London, Rotterdam, and Singapore, as well as remotely from anywhere in the world.

MxHacks 2022 is actually three hackathons in one. Each region will compete in its local time zone, working on a challenge for one of three nonprofits hand-picked by Mendix. They will work on one use case from the specific nonprofit in their own region.

Use cases may include a mobile app that provides refugees with a secure digital identity, or a web app that helps people in sparsely populated areas to easily connect with a doctor, for example. The winners in each region — the Americas, EMEA, and APAC — will be awarded prizes and have the opportunity to implement the solution, potentially building a long-term relationship with the nonprofit organization. And the world will be a better place as a result.

Participants can look forward to an exciting weekend filled with learning, fun, and a healthy dose of competition — fueled by a never-ending supply of snacks & drinks. The hackathon gives the stage to developers in the Mendix community to meet across the globe and grow their networks. They can join workshops hosted by experts, attend trainings, and strike up conversations with the many coaches patrolling the hackathon. Hackers can also check out career opportunities at meet-and-greet sessions with companies looking to hire developers and expand their teams.

Admission to MxHacks is free. Each team can include up to four people. Solo developers can participate on their own or join a matchmaking session to team up before the event. Hybrid teams are also eligible, with some members going on-site while others call in remotely.

“Mendix is fast-becoming the platform of choice for enterprise digital transformation, and it also has the power to transform the world,” says Johan den Haan, chief product and technology officer at Mendix. “MxHacks is a great way for developers to meet like-minded people who are passionate about building killer solutions and doing something important to make the world a better place. It’s amazing what you can do with Mendix low-code in 36 hours — I can’t wait to see what ideas come to life.”

Developers can register for the hackathon on the MxHacks page and are encouraged to join the Mendix Community Slack and watch the #announcements and #mxhacks-general channels.

For more information about the hackathon, please visit MxHacks 2022.

    About Mendix

    Mendix, a Siemens business, is the only low-code platform designed to address the full complexity of enterprise software development challenges. Deploying point solutions to departmental problems solves things at a micro level—but if you want to make a significant impact on your business, you need to go bigger and build powerful portfolios that move the needle sustainably and strategically.

    With Mendix, enterprises can take on more complex, transformational initiatives by engaging everyone in capturing requirements, forming ideas, and embedding value assessment throughout the lifecycle of the software portfolio.

    Focus on the right problems while relying on governance and control to avoid unnecessary risk. Mobilize your organization. Build the change readiness muscle. And when the next big idea drops, turn it into an outcome quicker.

    More than 4,000 organizations in 46 countries use the Mendix low-code platform. An active community of over 300,000 developers has created over 950,000 applications – and counting.

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