Platform Releases

Mendix Release 10.19 — A New View on Performance and Experience
This month's updates: View entities enabling more performant apps and boosting developer experience, support for connecting to any database, mixing online and offline data for mobile, security improvements, many AI improvements, identity and access management enhancements, and revamped company onboarding.
Mendix Release 10.18 — Mendix Ma(n)ia: Smarter Apps, Smoother Builds, and Happier Developers
The 10.18 MTS release which brings major updates to Studio Pro, AI-driven smart apps, and platform tools, including powerful Maia enhancements.
Mendix Release 10.17 — Global Reach, Sharper Tools
Mendix 10.17 brings multilingual support, advanced logic features, improved Git integration, expanded data tools, upgraded AI prompting resources, and enhanced governance capabilities.
Mendix Release 10.16 — A Leader Keeps on Giving
Mendix 10.16 offers navigation upgrades, widget and portal updates, iOS PWA offline support, improved governance, and multilingual exams.
Mendix Release 10.15 — Gifts for the Entire Software Development Lifecycle
This release marks improvements to the entire software development lifecycle, from Studio Pro performance, including page-building improvements and Data grid 2 updates, to workflow boundary events, Database connector, and committing. The new Pipeline features boost your DevOps, and the new Governance enhancements improve governance. Lastly, building AI-infused apps is even smoother.
Mendix Release 10.14 — Connecting the Dots
Studio Pro has been optimized for performance and users can now make changes to styling directly in the properties pane. Translations using Maia (AI) are now also possible in the system text editor. The highly voted on dynamic tab switching feature is available, and rendering markdown (for AI cases) is now a breeze. Additionally, improvements have been made to the Mendix Connect, like GraphQL support, updates to AWS Connector Suite, TeamCenter extension enhancements, and Marketplace offerings improvements. Lastly, users can now easily share their Mendix certificates to LinkedIn, allowing them to showcase their achievements within their professional network.
Mendix Release 10.13 — Maia, generate a domain model for me
From improved performance in Studio Pro to the addition of new features such as Maia Domain Model generation, UI Building improvements, Mobile enhancements, AI capabilities, Governance updates, OIDC Provider enhancements, and Cloud improvements, this release is packed with valuable additions.