Better App Security with Strict Mode - Mendix 10.19
Mendix 10.19 Release
Mendix 10.19 Release
Your use cases drive your enterprise's development roadmap and ability to innovate. But when your development platforms can't handle what you need, you've got problems. Enter Mendix. Mendix completes your development stack.
Mendix 10.18 release
The SEWC was named one of the world's first Intelligent Manufacturing lighthouse factories.
A Series for the Professional Developers who are looking to get up to speed with the Mendix platform as quickly as possible.
Mendix 10.17 Release
Being able to effectively harness #AI and #GenAI means being able to define your use cases, getting your data in order, iterating, and deployment. Mendix is the #1 low-code platform to help you take your AI ambitions from ideas all the way to outcomes.
Lean first, Mendix helps Siemens SNC Digital Transformation further
Mendix 10.16 Release
Mendix 10.15 Release
What does complexity look like in your enterprise? Too many needs and not enough resources? Development and projects spread across multiple silos? Difficulty integrating the newest technologies, such as AI?