Reusable Components


Includes data, connectors, templates, and other resources stored in digital libraries that an organization can leverage across multiple applications. Reusable components, which are a key offering of low-code platforms, result in consistency when developing digital solutions.

Examples range from unified design elements—with reusable UI elements—or data that is reused in multiple applications to serve various needs.

What are reusable components?

Reusable components include data, connectors, and other elements that organizations can reuse across multiple applications or digital solutions.

What is a reusable component in programming?

Examples include code-based assets and logic, which can be saved in a software library for reuse.

Why are reusable components important?

Reusable components streamline the application development process and create consistency across the applications developed by a group or organization.

How do you make components more reusable?

Saving data and other elements in a digital library or software library ensures that these components are easier to access for reuse.

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