Low Code in 30: Integrating Conversational Platforms to Enhance UX

  • Transcript

    welcome the low code and 30

    I’m Jeff Goldberg, a member of the evangelist

    team at Bendix.

    In today’s weapon are we’re going to spend 30

    minutes talking about conversational platforms

    for collaboration and communication

    to enhance user experience.

    Loco 10 30 is a monthly webinar

    Siri’s dedicated to educating

    you on the benefits of low code application

    development in your company.

    Over the past year, we’ve concentrated

    on the fundamental components of the medics. Slow

    code platform

    covering topics like accelerating Dev

    ups and application, lifecycle management,

    building mobile experiences,

    comprehensive security

    and openness and expense ability.

    You can view these recordings via the low code

    and 30 playlist on our YouTube channel.

    In this new season of low code and 30

    you’ll learn about how men Dix is expanding

    the low code ecosystem through complementary

    technologies made more accessible

    through the platform,

    discover the evolution of APS to

    experiences made easier through

    visual programming,

    and discuss the challenges and opportunities

    self service application development brings

    to bear within the enterprise.

    Before we begin,

    let’s explore what the medics platform is

    and how it helps companies just like yours

    make the future.

    Medics was born to help enterprises win

    with apse because it’s the fastest and

    easiest low code platform to create

    and continuously enhance any kind

    of app at scale,

    including Web APS, offline

    first global APS, rest AP eyes,

    micro services and more. To fit

    a variety of use cases.

    Medics helps you achieve your goals through

    a visual model driven development

    platform, enabling professional developers

    and stakeholders in the blind of business

    to collaborate throughout the entire application.

    Lifecycle everything from requirements,

    gathering, development, deployment

    and finally operating our

    rated into the platform TTO help make

    developers lives easier and to bring

    them closer to their customers.

    As a result, development is faster

    and more efficient because the business

    and I combined their domain expertise

    during application creation.

    Application quality is significantly

    higher because requirements and outcomes

    are in alignment

    and total cost of ownership is lower

    because adopting an agile and

    enter of process reduces

    rework after applications go live.

    In the past 20 years, communications

    have changed dramatically multiple


    when, at one point, the on ly ways to communicate

    with colleagues and customers was face

    to face snail mail

    or through plain old telephone service,

    also known as pots.

    The arrival of the Internet age. In the late

    20th an early 21st century

    ushered email and instant messaging

    into the mainstream of how people communicate

    with the greater availability and affordability

    of mobile phones

    and the arrival of smartphones and the

    AP economy

    waiting to contact someone because you weren’t

    near a phone disappeared,

    and the always on culture we live

    in today began its march to prominence

    messaging an instant communication

    moved from the office base

    to the consumer space,

    and not on ly did this make connecting and

    collaborating with other’s easier.

    It made it instantaneous

    at a global scale.

    A study performed by Global Workspace

    Analytics of the Fortune 1,000

    saw employees spending greater than 50%

    of their time away from their desk.

    Collaboration tools like slack and

    video conferencing over the Web from WebEx,

    Go to and Zoom have made

    it possible for companies to enable employees

    tto work remotely and interact

    with colleagues from mobile devices wherever

    they could pick up a wireless signal.

    Picking up on these B to B trends, it’s

    R R. Donnelley surveyed leaders in marketing

    and technology in 2016

    to get their take on the future of

    B to C Communications,

    99% said Mobile

    will be critical in there. Be to see strategies,

    an 87%

    plan to prioritize multi

    channel customer experiences

    in a coordinated delivery model across

    multiple devices.

    So how are technology companies in the communication

    sector addressing this opportunity?

    Inside the enterprise

    tools like Slack Skype for


    Microsoft teams

    and others facilitate 1

    to 1 and group conversations

    with a number of capabilities. Beyond messaging,

    they all have chat file sharing,

    light videoconferencing and screen

    sharing. In addition, slack

    and teams have robust AP eyes for

    integrating two way communication between

    services in the form of notifications,

    alerts, reminders and more.

    Many other software companies recognize

    they need to play in this ecosystem

    for expanding their own user base

    and have established connectors and

    integrations with their own. AP eyes

    BEA to see communications have their own set

    of platforms to choose from

    forming a category called See pass

    communication platforms. As a service,

    providers in this space offer secure

    and scalable services for integrating



    text chat,

    Bot’s video chat and

    more directly into Web and mobile applications

    from twill EOE and a via toe

    live person in next Mo.

    These in many more companies seek to

    make it easier and cheaper to implement

    messaging, automation and contact

    center integrations into their at


    While these happen, aggressions for B to B

    and B to C use cases supply

    a standard set of actions. It’s between the

    source and destination.

    Exceptions appear, requiring customization

    to solve the problem.

    Unfortunately, just dropping a slack

    work space into the enterprise are making

    an investment in A Via C Pass

    doesn’t solve the overarching problem

    with communications.

    As Dominic Kent says,

    solutions for enterprise communications

    are like snowflakes.

    No two are alike.

    There’s always a need to do something with

    or as a result of the interaction,

    Kent goes on to say,

    Administrators need a very specialized

    skill set to maintain

    the’s applications required customization

    but within the confines of the application


    What can’t rationalizes is the benefit

    of Sea Pass

    is that it supports this custom ization

    and doesn’t force Byers into a


    On the other hand,

    Thomas McCarthy how

    takes the opinion

    that the problem with Si pass and tools

    like slack is that they are focusing

    one level too low to support

    efficient development of these applications.

    he states that the data, rather

    than the conversation,

    is where the value lies in these services,

    and they don’t quite hit the mark in that department.

    This is where men dicks fits in perfectly

    because, as McCarthy, how aptly puts

    it for workflow and business

    communications. The game is in

    the data,

    not the message,

    I stated earlier. Men. Dicks simplifies

    Application Development for anyone

    with a problem to solve

    the combination of dragon drop tooling

    for front and development and universal

    understanding of the function layer with

    visual micro flows and nana flows

    helps everyone make custom solutions quickly

    that have immediate impact.

    The APP Store

    Medics. Library of reusable component

    tree accelerates time to market

    because customizing a slack connection

    or integrating video chat from a C

    passed like a via or to Elio

    into an application

    is a dragon drop experience with

    minimal configuration.

    What are some of the applicable use cases for

    these capabilities and medics?

    The 1st 1 I’ll go through today it’s close

    to work.

    The evangelist team

    that I’m a part of receives a lot of requests

    from a variety of customers at men dicks.

    It could be overwhelming sometimes

    in the past thes requests came to us

    via phone calls, emails or drive

    by conversations,

    and it made it hard for us to consolidate them

    into our back lock,

    which we managed through asana.

    What ended up happening is we started


    independently and not through our

    normal scrum ceremonies.

    So we help the next person that came to us

    and promptly forgot what the customer

    before them asked for help on.

    We needed a way for our customers to converse

    with us without distracting us

    from our current tasks.

    Enter Slack and asana

    with Bendix

    Slack has a very robust set of AP

    eyes for extending their platform

    and as I mentioned earlier, many vendors,

    including asana, have built integrations

    called slack APS

    into their platforms that are easy

    to install and configure.

    However, sometimes the use case is a bit

    more custom and requires additional information

    to be exchange

    than the standard slack integration

    app can support.

    Thankfully, medics offers rest, consume

    and published capabilities

    that may connecting two different platforms a


    and it enabled us to focus on addressing

    our customers needs more efficiently.

    Let’s see it in action

    from anywhere inside my slack workspace,

    weaken type forward slash evangelist

    dash request

    a slash command is a component of a slack

    app, and when it’s invoked, it makes

    a request to our medics. App.

    The medics APP interprets the request

    through arrest and point named Command

    and calls a micro flow to send back

    a dialog box and Jason Format

    for slack to read and render.

    It’s in thiss micro flow that we use

    the dialogue dot open action available

    from our toolbox.

    This is pretty cool because instead of having

    to go through the process of building out the dialogue

    dot open call,

    it’s available to me right from the tool box,

    and I can just use it.

    As for the rest of the function, there’s a

    good amount of customization going on,

    and that’s the part I was mentioning earlier.

    While these services provides solid AP

    I support,

    they require a solid foundation

    of JavaScript to understand how to use

    them with

    men. Dicks. I’m ableto build out that customization


    and easily see the different fields

    that are being added to the dialog box.

    Back in slack,

    the dialog boxes appeared, and I’ll fill

    it in when I submit the form

    slacks, interactive component framework


    that information

    to my men. Dick Slack service again.

    And as the request goes through the process,

    the chat dot post message action

    sends a message back to the user

    who requested the task,

    informing them that their information

    has been posted in asana.

    I can think of a number of use cases where

    this capability could come in handy.

    Consider a time sheet app like the

    one we have in our template gallery.

    We could integrate slack with this up

    to send timesheets. Sign off requests

    too slack

    so the reviewer can approve, reject

    or ask a question of the submit er right


    the slack interface.

    We’ll dig into this case during our live

    community webinar on June 26th

    in the Last Lo Code in 30 we explored

    the world of cognitive services

    and ay ay through the lens of an

    emergency response at,

    we talked about how crowdsourcing emergencies

    could speed up response.

    What if the dispatcher needs to get more

    information from this? A binner

    In the current version of the APP, there’s no

    way for the dispatcher to contact

    the person who submitted to the photo.

    What if we added SMS capabilities

    from a Via or Twill Leo

    to enable the dispatcher to carry

    on the conversation with the submit

    er, Once

    again, men, Dicks makes it easy

    to integrate thes communication platforms

    with reusable component tree and

    easy to create and consume rest


    Okay, so I’m gonna wire up the

    of via SMS capabilities

    here, and how will do that

    is to create a micro flow that’s

    attached to the save

    button. The

    first step in the micro flow will be to

    take the SMS Perrin and add

    the destination number that was received

    is part of the emergency contact information.

    Then we’ll get the message counts so that we can

    track. All of the message is that and

    correspondence that air going between the dispatcher

    and the senator.

    Now we’ll dig into the toolbox and

    pick the via SMS connector.

    Once the Via SMS component is

    on, the micro flow will add an exclusive

    split that will perform a conditional

    to make sure that if thie message

    fails, will get a message

    that shows that failure.

    If it’s true,

    we’ll continue on and

    add more information to

    the message logs. So we’ll take the message

    we just sent

    and send it off

    into our database so that we can keep

    that message. Log history is part of

    the conversation.

    Let’s go ahead and add thie

    rest of the properties or members of

    the message logs so that we get

    that incorrectly.

    The last two things will do is we’ll add

    an emergency event. Ah, committal.

    So will commit the emergency event, object

    the database and then we’ll close

    the page.

    Ah, signifying the end of

    the life cycle of sending

    thie message.

    Once the APP is updated,

    we’ll be able to go in. And

    if we click on the

    record regarding the

    cat that’s being chased by the old man,

    we can see the information that was captured

    previously in the new phone number

    is already in this


    We can go ahead and click the send SMS


    and now we’ll open up a new form, that

    new form that we created,

    and we can put in the message

    here so we’ll just type in.

    Are you able to calm the man

    who is chasing a cat

    when we click the save button

    that will trigger

    ah Thea via service to

    send that message? So we’re calling

    out to the, uh via a p I

    and sending a text message to

    our phone. And you can see here

    is the phone

    and the message is right there.

    If we continue weaken, send another

    message right away

    and we can ask a follow up question

    or give some guidance.

    If you can calm them and down, maybe the cat

    will come down from the tree,

    we click, save and we can see that just

    gets right.

    Ah, added to the additional text

    message. So

    ah, via ah offers

    not only one way but two way text


    Ah, in conversations. But

    we’re going to take a look at how that

    works in twill Leo now.

    So let’s switch over to twill Leo, and

    you can see the micro flow is identical

    to Thea via SMS

    micro flow that we created.

    The only difference is changing

    that one action

    where instead of using a vie,

    it’s using Tulio.

    We’re going to show to Wei SMS

    here, so we’ll go back into

    the same task were in before


    send another SMS.

    So this time we’re asking the same

    question. Are you able to come the man

    down and get him to stop chasing the cat.

    And now when we save and we send

    this text

    and when we click, save now

    that’s going to run through

    Twilley O. And we received that text

    pretty quickly,

    and now we can respond to it

    so I can say I’ll try right now

    and that’s going to get captured and

    sent back to the application through

    a Web hook. So you can see here is the message


    I can go ahead and send another text message

    and say he’s not listening

    to me and the cats hissing

    and we refresh the message.

    History. It’s coming back. And one

    of the benefits here is that

    as a dispatcher having this conversation,

    you can identify the sense of urgency

    based on the communication that’s going

    back and forth. You’re getting some more context

    beyond the picture.

    So from there you can basically


    that you want that bystander

    to stay in the area and that you’re

    going to contact police instead

    of the animal control because it

    seems like the man who’s chasing

    the cat is the bigger

    ah challenge right now

    to be worked out

    and you can see that text comes back through.

    And if we look at the message

    history, we can see

    that message that was sent. And then the last

    message. Ah, that was received

    by the bystander.

    Now the way this works like a set is through

    webs hooks. And if we go into

    men dicks,

    you, Khun, see that there is arrest

    a P I for in

    art will EOE connector. And

    if we look at the messaging service,

    this is the actual AP definition.

    There’s a message Web hook

    in that message. Web Hook

    calls a

    micro flow

    in that micro flow is what’s

    responsible for adding that

    message to the message history

    in the message log.

    And if we go to twill Leo, we can see

    how that

    is done because there are those

    inbound settings and there’s that

    request your L


    the Web hook

    right there. So

    ah, it’s pretty straightforward


    to make to a

    messaging work and integrate it into

    your application.

    Communication platforms open many

    new doors for connecting with users,

    And while they abstract away the infrastructure

    for providing those communications

    or supply a robust set of

    capabilities to extend a great

    user experience,

    they’re only part of the overall solution,

    paring them with a platform like

    men. Dicks enables your enterprise

    to maximize return on investment

    because they become part of a more robust,

    comprehensive solution

    that you can customize rapidly

    and it originally.