A Happier, More Efficient Team Starts with Low-Code Insurance Workflow Automation

Out-of-date technology and paper-based processes slow down client services and new product deployment and open the door to nontraditional market players and digital disruption. They also make work a drag for employees.

When critical documentation is stored on paper or, at best, on files as non-readable pdfs, operations work feels more like archeology. In addition, technology silos make data sharing difficult system-to-system, department-to-department, and that slows everything down.

Low-code creates integrated systems where employees can pull data from multiple sources instead of spending hours researching dead ends and requesting permissions from different administrators. With Mendix, insurance enterprises can:

  • Automate administrative busywork and process tasks
  • Create a more collaborative enterprise
  • Give your employees back the time they need to become better brand representatives with clients and customers

Corant Global, ClaimsSecure, and MS Amlin connect systems and digitize paper processes on Mendix that insurance employees once needed to manage by hand. The result is an opportunity for better business-IT collaboration, less siloed systems management, and more opportunity to interface with clients and customers, keeping them happy with a handshake or a human on the other end of the line.

Insurtech Efficiencies & Mendix

Corant Global is an independent wholesale specialty insurance broker with approximately 900 employees worldwide and $2 billion in written annual premiums annually. Corant Global recognized the need to digitize more services and create efficiencies to continue operations despite adverse working conditions with the pandemic. They also recognized the need internally to:

  • Increase interoperability between systems
  • Increase process and operational efficiency
  • Increase and improve client services
  • Digitize new and existing products
  • Decrease time to market.

“We’re building business-critical solutions, it’s really important to choose technology that can work with us,” said Peter Hughes, Group Head of Application Development at Corant Global. “We’re trying to digitize manual processes, so the collaboration between business and technology teams was a key driver for us.”

Together with expert services partner AuraQ, Corant turned to Mendix with an ambitious road map to deliver the first three applications in three months. Since then, the team has used Mendix to deliver ten new products, five operational services, two client services, and four critical integration applications that have revolutionized the way employees work at Corant Global.

Corant Global is scoping future low-code development opportunities on the Mendix platform based on the strength of the first cohort key results:

  • $19.6M gross written premium since 2020
  • 10x-increase in quotes forecasted within three years
  • More than $1M in net earnings
  • $120K operational cost savings
  • ROI in less than three months

The Mendix platform has also created new digital development roles and chances to upskill for current employees.

“It was always our plan to cross-train our existing developing team to become self-sufficient,” said Hughes. “We now have 7 Mendix-certified developers, and this is just the start. We’re only 18 months into our relationship with Mendix and AuraQ. We expect continued demands for digital solutions and we have a huge pipeline of new products.”

[Mendix optimizes client services offerings for Corant Group brands. Learn how in the Mendix World 2021 session: Digitizing liability, risk, and client onboarding in insurance with Corant Group]  

Mendix Leads to Integration, Access at ClaimSecure

Canadian healthcare claims management enterprise, ClaimSecure processes more than 10 million health and dental benefit transactions a year, totaling more than $1.3 billion.

Similar to many healthcare claims-industry organizations, ClaimSecure relied on Sharepoint, Excel, and Microsoft Access to manage internal processes. The combination of scale and complexity made this process error-prone and inefficient. Managing multiple case records between multiple program coordinators and diverse systems resulted in disjointed information and customer service complaints.

“Once upon a time, employees at ClaimSecure were tied to fax machines, paper, and big filing cabinets,” said Linda Lin, Consulting Director, Drug Strategies and Innovations, ClaimSecure. “This was the way everyone worked in my department, my company, and my benefits industry. This is the way we all worked until TimeSeries and Mendix changed all of that.”

With Mendix and service partner TimeSeries, ClaimsSecure was able to deploy new custom processes that automate and digitize manual processes in a quarter of the time it would have taken to build in-house and at a fraction of the cost to purchase OTC. These processes were not only more efficient and less expensive to develop, but they also made it easier for employees to access information from various sources on one platform.

“Before, employees had all this information scattered in different places and it was really hard to manage and hard to see what was going on with the actual case they were working on,” said TimeSeries Senior Mendix Developer/Consultant Cathy Whitney. “Here everything is in one place.”

The Mendix platform ClaimSecure built with the help of TimeSeries creates a unified access point for several different systems and caseworker and call center functions, saving time and helping Canadians access the medication they need to lead healthy lives.

[ClaimSecure also used the Mendix platform to build better service tracking and analytics and automate data capture to deliver better customer experiences. Watch the 2021 Mendix World session Automating and Digitizing Manual Workflows with ClaimSecure]

Mendix Connect Delivers End-to-End Digitization

MS Amlin is a leading global insurer, part of the global top-10 insurance group MS&AD. When MS Amlin wanted to create an end-to-end digital insurance solution for their enterprise, they knew they needed a platform that was secure and accessible.

“Being a global insurance company, we have a lot of regulators looking at how we do business, how we use data, and how we govern data,” said Kristian Wijnen, Digital Product and Solution Manager, MS Amlin. “Making sure data is protected and secured is part of our mission.”

With the help of First Consulting, MS Amlin was one of the first organizations to leverage Mendix Connect to integrate, govern, and track data while meeting the insurance industry’s highly restrictive compliance requirements.

Some of the challenges MS Amlin solved with Mendix Connect include:

  • Switching from ‘monolith’ solutions to a flexible and future-proof architecture
  • Driving behavior and processes across countries and applications with a centralized product configuration model
  • Embedding data governance and data structure within the architecture
  • Controlling data access

“With Mendix and the expertise of our partner, First Consulting, we could move forward and face the challenge with Mendix Connect as a solution,” said Wijnen.

[Learn how to reuse data across multiple insurance applications while retaining security protocols. Watch the 2021 Mendix World session: Integration with security and speed: Leveraging Mendix Connect with MS Amlin]

Better Processes, Better Experiences with Low-Code

With the Mendix application development platform insurance enterprises around the globe have been able to digitally transform antiquated paper-based processes into efficient automated workflows that connect systems and reduce the frustrating inefficiencies for employees.