Student Flow Services
for Higher Education

Student Flow Services assists schools and institutions in building an accurate pathway for meeting their objectives.

Enable your students to plan their academic route and play with their options and professional choices offered by your schools. Enhance student well-being and prevent unwanted study delay. Save reasonable time for academic counsellors. Create unique valuable data for management and education logistics.

  • Intelligent Academic Route Planning

    Keep your students on track with just-in-time provisioning of study information and context aware creation of flexible study paths.


  • Live New Data and Forecasts

    Unlock real-time data about student choices, actual state of student progress, future planning capacity and study program management.


  • 30% - 50% Time Savings

    Turning complex educational stuff into seemingly simple spot-on tools saves time and improves quality of academic counselling.


  • Highly rated service

    Clear overview with actual study load and smart dialogue is highly acclaimed by students and staff.


Additional Solution Capabilities

  • Teaching and Examination Regulations

    Easily embed and update the (un-)written rules and mechanisms of the study programs of your schools.

  • Student Information System Integrations

    Multiple extents of data layer integration with your existing IT-infrastructure and systems keeping consistency and integrity at the highest level.

  • Institutional Governance

    Achieving the highest level of compliance, privacy and security standards and procedures of your educational institution and partners.

  • Open Standards

    Ready for implementing based on the (future) open standards of educational data, f.e. the global IMS Global EDU-API and SURFnets Open Education API (OOAPI V4).

  • Student’s Life and Wellbeing

    Doing IT without being IT: Combining the digital transformation of organizing education with the psychology of personal and professional development of your students.

  • Educational Culture and Organisation

    Empowering the uniqueness of your education, academic and non-academic staff and departments within a global EdTech ecosystem.


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