Student Flow Services
for Higher Education

Student Flow Services assists schools and institutions in building an accurate pathway for meeting their objectives.

It is a helpful platform to track ESG goals and KPIs related to sustainable initiatives, for example, the UN’s SDGs. Create unique valuable data for management and education logistics.

  • Intelligent Academic Route Planning

    Keep your students on track with just-in-time provisioning of study information and context aware creation of flexible study paths.


  • Live New Data and Forecasts

    Unlock real-time data about student choices, actual state of student progress, future planning capacity and study program management.


  • 30% - 50% Time Savings

    Turning complex educational stuff into seemingly simple spot-on tools saves time and improves quality of academic counselling.


  • Highly rated service

    Clear overview with actual study load and smart dialogue is highly acclaimed by students and staff.


Additional Solution Capabilities

  • Teaching and Examination Regulations

    Easily embed and update the (un-)written rules and mechanisms of the study programs of your schools.

  • Student Information System Integrations

    Multiple extents of data layer integration with your existing IT-infrastructure and systems keeping consistency and integrity at the highest level.

  • Institutional Governance

    Achieving the highest level of compliance, privacy and security standards and procedures of your educational institution and partners.

  • Open Standards

    Ready for implementing based on the (future) open standards of educational data, f.e. the global IMS Global EDU-API and SURFnets Open Education API (OOAPI V4).

  • Student’s Life and Wellbeing

    Doing IT without being IT: Combining the digital transformation of organizing education with the psychology of personal and professional development of your students.

  • Educational Culture and Organisation

    Empowering the uniqueness of your education, academic and non-academic staff and departments within a global EdTech ecosystem.


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