Siemens CEO Talks AWS, Mendix, and Generative AI at CES 2024

We were proud to see Roland Busch, President and CEO of Siemens AG, headline the keynote at CES 2024. He covered one of tech’s hottest topics: Generative AI.

Watch the full CES Keynote

Generative AI at CES

In his keynote Busch discussed the critical building blocks for the industrial metaverse resident in Xcelerator, Siemens’ open digital business platform. And he tackled how organizations turn this raw data into actionable insights.

“Generative AI and large language models let you talk to your machines in natural language as if they were human,” said Busch. He added that the integration of generative AI into the Mendix low-code platform makes the power of generative AI accessible to everyone.

Busch commented on how easy it is for developers and non-developers to build applications with Mendix. He said, “Integrating AI has remained a challenge.” This new AWS-Mendix partnership makes integration so much easier. Going forward, you can “pick a generative AI model, and add it to your applications with just a few clicks.”

AWS’ point of view

Matt Wood, the VP of Technology at AWS, joined Busch on stage. “Generative AI is the single largest change in how we’re going to interact with data, information, and each other since the very earliest web browsers,” he remarked.

He described the challenges of integrating AI into application development. Wood mentioned the need for a deep knowledge of machine learning and data science. The integration between AWS and Mendix changes all that.

Wood said, “With Mendix you can just connect to multiple AWS machine learning models, drop them inside your applications, and start reinventing your customer experience, reinventing your products, and reinventing your processes.”

Wood described several AI models that are accessible within the Mendix platform. These include options for natural language processing and decisioning, alluding to those from AI21, Amazon, Anthropic, Cohere, and StabilityAI. In closing, Wood remarked,

The bigger picture

At Mendix, we’re very enthusiastic about this partnership. It demonstrates our continued investment in making the power of AI in developing software more accessible for the enterprise.

Countless customers have been building Mendix applications using various AWS AI services. Our custom-built connectors to Amazon Polly, Amazon SageMaker, and Amazon Rekognition have made implementing these tools a seamless experience.

Other customers have written proprietary machine learning models with popular frameworks like TensorFlow, Caffe, and PyTorch. They have integrated these directly into Mendix applications with our ML Kit. Also, several customers have begun developing custom generative capacity using our new OpenAI connector.

Mendix supports an ever-expanding variety of AI implementations. The AWS Bedrock integration announced at this event is a benchmark in our work around making AI available to our customers.

We are proud to offer the most comprehensive low-code approach to AI.

Find out more about the Mendix approach to AI.