Mendix World 2020: v2.0 – All Digital, All Day, All Yours

Software development has changed quickly. The need to digitize, go mobile, enhance experiences, collaborate from anywhere—all those things you’ve been talking about as an organization for years—has come to a head. And from what I’ve seen, all that software vendors out there have to show for it are dull webinars and drowsiness-inducing, glorified Zoom calls posing as demos.

Informative, sure, but how would anyone know? You’re asleep before they’re over.


It’s time to wake up.

We’ve always believed that the most human and social element —collaboration—is the most invigorating part of software development. That’s why with Mendix World: Version 2.0, we aim to provide you a digital experience that’ll make you forget you’re on your couch, stuck in the home office (or wherever it is you’re working these days), and give you and any maker in your company a place to come together and get the jolt of low-code inspiration you didn’t know you needed.

Let’s run through a sampling of the agenda and show you why Mendix World: v2.0 is can’t-miss for you and your team and not just a series of sleepy webinars. Even if you are still stuck inside the house.

A little lot of something for everyone

Mendix World: v2.0 has got low-code content for everyone across your organization.

More tools for your developers

A world-wide pandemic hasn’t stopped you and your team from building, so why would we? We’ve developed a ton of exciting, next-level capabilities in the Mendix Platform over the past year that you and your developers are going to love and that we’ll be showing off.

We heard that mobile is important to our customers (maybe just a little), so we’ll be running sessions on how to design for offline-first mobile experiences.

Your developers after they see what we’ve got planned for them at Mendix World Version 2.0

Speaking of experiences, for the first time ever you’ll be able to experience a painfully awkward moment of silence followed by, “This worked in rehearsal” from the comforts of your own home. That’s because we’ll be doing a lot of demos on everything you can imagine.

  • How to Configure & Deploy in Mendix Private Cloud: Learn where to begin with and what end-to-end deployment looks like in Mendix Private Cloud.
  • Designing Consumer-Grade Mobile Apps with Mendix: Check out how to build your own consumer-grade mobile experiences with reusable extensions and features like chatbots or contactless payment.
  • Extending Mendix Apps with Java: Well, the name says it all doesn’t it?

There will also probably definitely be some exciting new products and features that you’ll just have to attend to hear about.

Who knows?! Oprah could be your keynote speaker this year. (She’s not.)

“What about my architects?”

is a question you probably didn’t utter out loud, but we know you were thinking it. Don’t worry, we’ve got your architects covered so they can scale up their thinking.

In the session “Establish Your Mobile Architecture Strategy”, learn about which mobile architecture to choose when it comes to building mobile apps. Do you go PWA, web, hybrid, native? The answer is all. Is this webinar run by dynamo Mendix Product Manager Danny Roest the digital version of a cup of coffee? The answer is yes.

Danny the Demo Dynamo

CUSTOMIZED SAP CORE! The words just scream excitement, don’t they? No? Well, you’ve got a session by Mendix’s Erno Rorive that shows you how to take that custom core and get it ready to transition to S4/HANA. Now that’s excitement.

Something else that we’ve heard makes jaws (drag-and-) drop is collaboration between the business and IT. Know who owns that process? Your architects. That’s why we’ve sprinkled in a few sessions on the very sexy topic of governance and how to establish it to go from one app to a scaled-out low-code center of excellence.

We believe in a don’t-take-it-from-us stance when it comes to helping you. Which is why you’ll be hearing from our friends (and yours if you play your cards right) from the City of Rotterdam on how they successfully scaled up app development.

Big-time low-code for big-time head honchos

With Mendix World: v2.0 you’ll learn how to lead with low-code and maybe forget that you’ve been inside the same four walls for the past several months. That’s right, we’re aiming for that level of transcendence.

Sit in your driveway where the wi-fi signal is weak but your kids can’t bother you and learn how to build out your application roadmap. That roadmap is going to help you put the pedal to the metal and start to drive results in your organization. Make sure to attend “App Portfolio Roadmap Creation” so your IT department can become a fine-tuned development engine. <note to self, insert more driving puns here before go-live>.

Building out your portfolio with low-code means identifying and addressing the gaps in development. You can learn how to do this all while making the sandwich of your dreams with our session on how to run a low-code maturity assessment. Ensure that you’re activating the right people with the right processes to build the right portfolio of applications. And try not to get mayonnaise on your shirt.

We know that mitigating risk and reducing cost is important to you. You can do all of that with a defined cloud deployment approach. Oh, and it looks like we just so happen to have a session on determining which cloud strategy (public, private, hybrid) is right for your organization. How convenient. What else is convenient is that you could literally watch this while taking a bubble bath.

On the real-world stories side of things, you’ll learn from Love’s Travel Stops on how to use Mendix and SAP side-by-side to scale up your app development. You can also see how Brigham Young University is using a decentralized but governed approach to building high quality applications.

It’ll be like we’re in your living room. But not really, because that’d be weird.

Low-code. High Value.

I’ve alluded to a few in this post, but we have a whole bunch of Mendix customers delivering sessions on the success they’ve achieved with Mendix. Experience what the movers, shakers and makers have been delivering with low-code in the finance and banking industry, the world of higher education, the logistics and manufacturing verticals, the insurance realm, and in the public sector. Hear from developers, business leaders, architects, CIOs from organizations all over the world.

  • CNH Industrial: One of the world’s largest capital goods companies, CNH Industrial’s IT Director Tom Grigas will display how they’re using a Mendix-facilitated Agile development process to build a web app that enables better supply chain collaboration between different organizational functions.
  • Continental: Returning from last year’s Mendix World, automotive component manufacturer, Continental shares their story on how their evolving their low-code vision beyond just legacy software replacement and into a citizen development program across the organization.
  • Trane Technologies: Global industrial manufacturing company, Trane, has, like many organizations, prioritized rapid digitization, but faced challenges of bringing in low-code and gaining buy-in. Learn from Miroslav Samoylenko, Director Integrations Architecture at Trane, to see how they constructed a low-code center of excellence to accelerate their solutions’ time-to-market speed.

I’d say it’s can’t-miss content (and it is), but it’s almost impossible to miss it because you don’t even have to leave your home and it’s highly unlikely you’re going to get caught in an awkward conversation with an ex-coworker on the show floor and be late for a session.


Whether it’s in a physical space or the digital world, we do everything in our power to deliver high quality low-code content and experiences to you. So register for Mendix World: Version 2.0, invite your teammates, colleagues, and distant cousins twice-removed, (it’s all free!) and we’ll see you September 1 for the biggest (digital) low-code event of the year.

We promise you’ll stay awake.

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