How Mendix Empowers ISVs to Lead the Charge

The market for independent software vendors (ISVs) is exploding.  

In today’s market, competitive businesses need speed to lead. Companies have to deliver innovation and adapt and extend digital solutions. Gartner analysts report that the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) market reached $195 billion in 2023. Deloitte researchers predict those figures will keep growing, reaching $344 billion by 2027. 


Enterprises and end users need a new approach to software development. They need something that bypasses the limitations of build vs. buy. In other words, they need tools that offer customization or flexibility. Most companies find these choices expensive and time-consuming when undertaking mission-critical digital transformation. 

ISVs can fill in those gaps.

For commercial software creators, being a low-code ISV has massive benefits. 

A breakthrough approach to meet tomorrow’s challenges

Game-changing technology continues to enter the marketplace at an accelerated pace. Customer demands for improved user experiences and capabilities are on that same path. 


As these demands grow, so does the need for ISVs. In 2010, there were approximately 100,000 ISVs. Today, there are close to 500,000 ISVs, and that number is growing exponentially.




The reason? ISVs are the perfect match for businesses to meet the challenge of staying current with digital innovations. These include:

  • Cognitive, AI-powered services 
  • Cloud-based database management systems, storage, and distribution 
  • Data integration and analysis  
  • Mobile technologies for seamless UI/UX experiences 
  • Extendable, purpose-built digital solutions at scale. 

Put all this together and you can see why ISVs have become the fastest-growing segment of software solutions. In doing so, ISVs drive revenue and attain competitive advantage for their businesses, customers, and end users.   

Redefining the ISV business model

The Mendix ISV program launched in 2021. The program empowered ISVs with the tools to quickly build and scale commercial applications.  

Mendix is powered by the market’s leading software development platform. With that is a robust partner ecosystem. 


Mendix allows ISV partners to scale up R&D and speed up a company’s time-to-market, while reducing the total cost of ownership. This enables ISVs to help customers achieve even their most ambitious digital transformation projects.  

The program is expanding rapidly, attracting over 100 ISVs to date. Of those, more than 50 already market their Mendix-developed solution. 

Look at Mendix ISV partner Menditect. Menditect’s flagship tool, Menditect Test Automation (MTA), enables high-quality, error-free, cost-effective testing and deployment. MTA is available on the Mendix Marketplace to all Mendix users. Menditect scales, innovates, and iterates. It’s a win-win. 

Mendix offers ISVs flexible contracts with a fee structure based on revenue generation. ISVs experience collaboration and support from Mendix until their solutions are up and running. ISVs can also tap into low-code training through the Mendix Academy’s comprehensive classes and tutorials. These and other benefits are available to certain partners.

Additionally, ISVs can use Mendix to create a customizable product based on internal expertise and customer feedback. Built-in integrations to open-source technologies and alliance partners make this possible. In this way, ISVs can scale a solution to its entire portfolio of clients 

For example, Factorise created an app suite for manufacturers on Mendix. The Factorise suite helps to optimize processes and leverage real-time shop floor data. Factorise can push that data to a wide variety of devices. The modular approach of the Mendix platform makes all this possible.  

Mendix enables ISVs and their customers to decouple core application logic from customized extensions. This simplifies software release updates and makes commercial software easily scalable.  

How platform, ecosystem, and community drive ISV success

These solutions lead to intellectual property (IP), which can create additional revenue when brought to market. The Mendix ISV program enables that through inclusion in the Mendix Marketplace and Solutions Gallery. Those marketplaces are home to more than 175,000 developers. Products in Siemens-related industries can also be placed on the Siemens Xcelerator Marketplace 

Further, Mendix aims to set the industry standard on security. Data privacy, regulatory compliance, and governance controls—they’re all baked into every Mendix application. On top of that, Mendix numerous third-party security certifications and assurance reports from ISO and other international investigators. ISV partners can rest assured that their digital solutions balance the need for innovation with best-in-class security. 


Lead, don’t follow  

“The Mendix ISV Program has proven to be a game-changer for independent software vendors across the globe,” says Manish Marotkar. “With our tailored support and resources, ISVs are now more equipped than ever to market and sell their innovative solutions by leveraging Mendix’s cutting-edge technology.”  

With the Mendix ISV program, software vendors can bring customers increased scale and efficiency. Take advantage of the leading development platform and take the lead in the market today.