AWS Connectors

AWS Connector Strategy

Mendix has a wide range of AWS connectors available for download from the Mendix Marketplace.​ Platform-supported connectors are built and supported by Mendix as part of the Mendix Platform. Community-supported connectors are built and supported by members of the Mendix development community.​

To learn more about what platform support means, read our Marketplace Content Support page.

There are over 250 AWS Services. Our strategy is to provide a platform-supported connector for the most common ones, but also enable you to build your own AWS connectors and publish them as community-supported connectors, if you want.​ Other elements of our AWS Connector strategy include:

  • Secure authentication using a new technology called AWS IAM Roles Anywhere, which we’ve built into a universal AWS Authentication Connector.
  • High quality documentation and enablement. For Mendix Developers, we’re working on a course about AWS Connectors, and for AWS Developers, AWS offers an AWS Workshop.

Platform-supported Connectors

Mendix offers several AWS-specific connectors, available on the Mendix Marketplace.

Some AWS services do not require an AWS-specific connector and can be supported with an existing, general-purpose connector. This includes the following services:​

  • Amazon RDS – For this relational database, use the Database Connector
  • Amazon SES – For this email service, use the Email Connector
  • Amazon IoT Core – For this IoT service, use the MQTT Connector
  • Amazon Cognito – For this customer identity and access management (CIAM) service, use the OIDC SSO module

Build your own AWS Connector

You can create your own connectors for AWS services not currently covered by platform-supported connectors. For more information, see Build an AWS Connector.

Share Your Feedback, Questions, and Ideas

The AWS Development Team at Mendix needs your help to continuously improve our AWS connectors and other offerings. Please share your candid feedback, questions, and ideas with us, and we will respond to them. There are several ways to do this:

  1. Leave a review on an individual AWS connector in the Mendix Marketplace. If you leave a rating, please include a comment describing why you chose that particular rating.
  2. Join the AWS space in the Mendix Forum, where you can ask us questions and share ideas, such as feature requests.
  3. For anything else, you can either contact us on Slack in the #aws-general channel of the Mendix Community Slack, or email us at [email protected].