The Software Gold Rush Is Here—ISVs, Grab Your Low-Code Shovel

Manish Marotkar, Head of ISV Business

For a company, coming up with a million-dollar software solution idea is like a miner uncovering a mother lode of gold. But just like that miner, a company looking to profit from its find needs to get it out of the rocky earth and up to the fresh air. The richest vein of gold is worthless without a dependable pick and shovel.

For software companies, there’s no “pick and shovel” more dependable for mining their software solution ideas than the Mendix low-code application development platform. And there might be no better way to develop those ideas, deploy them, bring them to market, and sell them than the Mendix ISV Partner Program.

A Trillion-Dollar ISV Market

One thing is certain: there’s a lot of gold up in them hills.

From 2022 to 2027, the ISV market is expected to explode by over a trillion dollars. And low-code has made it easier than ever for our ISV partners to stake their own claim.

But building a dream software solution is only the first step to success as an ISV. We want our partners to be able to create a business out of that solution. We want them to be able to build it quickly, market it widely, and sell it effectively.

That’s why we started the Mendix ISV Partner Program. It gives participants the ability to build and monetize their intellectual property atop the Mendix platform.

The program is designed for a broad range of businesses across a wide range of product maturity stages:

  • Established software companies
  • Emerging software companies
  • Companies with Software-as-a-Service offerings

The program is based on a revenue-sharing model that frees our partners to establish a profitable and predictable business model for their product while greatly reducing their initial investments.

Partners have a lot of flexibility in creating a licensing model that works best for their product strategy. We designed the program to tightly link the revenue model to your business model.

A Commitment to Composability

The Mendix platform is renowned for how quick and easy it makes developing software solutions. It does so by giving users simple, modular low-code components to build with. This commitment to composability pays huge dividends for our ISV Program partners.

Being able to create apps ten times faster with 70% fewer resources lets our partners turn on a dime when changes in the marketplace, in technology, or in customer needs require a sudden shift in strategy.

And the modular nature of the Mendix platform makes it simple to add new functionality to a solution, replatform it, or simply build it fresh again from scratch.

On Your Mark, Get Set . . .

Giving customers the power to turn ideas into outcomes is what put Mendix on the map. That’s why “Go make it!” has long been our rallying cry to customers.

The strength of the Mendix ISV Program is how it guides and supports its partners not only through developing their product, but also marketing and selling it as well.

Go Make It!

Our ISV partners get a wealth of tools to develop their solutions.

  • We give them access to free development licenses.
  • We provide them with a technical enablement track and instruct them on development best practices.
  • We offer a solution review and certification program to ensure security and scalability.
  • And we discount our training and certifications so they can quickly get their Mendix skills up to speed.

Go Market It!

Once our partners build their product and are ready to hit the marketplace, we help them get the word out. We feature partner products in our Solutions Gallery and on our Marketplace. Then our global marketing team lends their talents in creating buzz through blog posts, case studies, and social media.

Go Sell It!

Once everyone is talking about our partners’ products, it’s time to get everyone to buy them.

First, we help our partners shape their revenue-sharing license to maximize the impact of their business plan. Then we create connections for our partners and awareness about their products within the Mendix ecosystem. This can include inviting our partner to exclusive business webinars and forums, so they benefit from the wisdom of marketplace experts and of their peers.

A Gold Mine of Benefits

The Mendix ISV Program has as many different benefits as it has different kinds of partners. Enterprise customers are drawn to the program because the commercial solutions they build can be:

  • Developed using the most efficient mix of build and buy
  • Easily extended using the Mendix platform
  • Seamlessly implemented for a faster time to value
  • Created from vetted components
  • Effortlessly maintained and upgraded, even after customization

Meanwhile, ISV partners find that the platform gives them new and sustainable ways to accelerate their innovation. For example, the Mendix Solutions Kit lets them lock down functionalities in their solutions and control what parts of the solution can be adapted. This helps them protect their IP while giving them greater freedom to scale.

If you’re ready to strike gold with your software solution idea, apply to the Mendix ISV Startup Program.